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How Apple Watch changed Molly's life - 0 views

  • titan.requestAd.push("adspot-728x90-pos1"); The Age Digital Life Latest news Wearables Cameras Mobiles Computers Apps Consumer Security Games Tablets Blog Social Radar Other Tech IT Pro You are here: Home Digital Life Wearables Search age: Search in: Digital Life Web Digital Life
  • The Apple Watch's new feature is called the "taptic engine", which produces what Apple calls "haptic feedback". Haptics, derived from the Greek haptikos, refers to any form of interaction or communication by touch. The watch's engine allows wearers to set vibrations for various alerts and at adjustable intensity - or to send messages by taps to other users.
  • Ms Watt says the integration of haptics with the watch's map function is its most useful feature and is "definitely awesome for me as a deafblind person". It allows her to be directed around London's complex web of streets and alleys without hearing or sight
    Newspaper article about how the new Apple Watch is opening up a range of new possibilities, in particular for a deaf and blind woman. Mentions the Apple Watch's haptic capability - the ability for the device to give feedback via touch. Likely to be the first widely used example of haptics.

Analog and digital technology - What's the difference? - 41 views

  • Now pretty much everything seems to be digital, from television and radio to music players, cameras, cellphones, and even books
  • we first convert the information into numbers (digits)
    • djplaner
      It is during this conversion process that information can be lost. Depending on the process digital doesn't always capture all the gradations in analog data. Think of the difference between an analog clock (with an hour hand and a minute hand) and a digital clock (showing just hours and minutes). WIth a digital clock you can only ever see the exact minute 12:01am or 12:02am. The digital information doesn't show you the time between 1 minute past and 2 minutes past. But with an analog clock the minute hand is always moving. At halfway between 12:01 and 12:02 the minute hand will be halfway between the 1 and the 2 minute mark. If you look closely you will be able to see that it's halfway between.
    • mindofmrsbarrett
      That is a really interesting point and not one i've reaaly thought about untill now.
  • People accept digital things easily enough, often by thinking of them as electronic, computerized,
    • andreataylor1967
      This was my understanding
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  • It's not the same thing as time itself: it's a representation or an analogy of time
    An introduction to the difference between analog and digital technology. ICT are digital technologies during week 1.
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    To me analogue means the old and digital means modern, and i am kicking myself because I knew on the quiz that the TV was not digital but because I thought of it as a way to communicate I ticked true. I have a digital watch (fitbit) and I wear my analogue one as it does not go flat on me, the joys of digital technology.
    I actually thought similar to Susan, hence why I also chose true for the television question. I assumed ICT was any means of relaying information or delivery information, other than books or paper articles. Definitely a lot to learn regarding ICT
    What being digital means Being digital means more and more ICT devices are far more instant. They need to be mastered because this is the world we live in now even though there is still room for analog technology. ICT devices are all digital and is widely used in school and society itself.
    An introduction to the difference between analog and digital technology. ICT are digital technologies during week 1.
    The teachers using effective pedagogy to help students in mastering ICT devices needs to be put into consideration in our local schools and community. The more ICT devices are explicitly taught, the more school community and activities around ICT become accessible in our classroom.

Digital cameras in early childhood settings : Children's Services - 6 views

    This Blog is about the use of digital cameras in early childhood settings.  It was a part of Week 2's work but I wanted to book mark it here because I thought it might be useful for assignment part 1.
    Hi Kate I also found this site very informative and used this in my blog. I love photos and I strongly believe that digital cameras play an important role in early childhood settings and advocate the importantance of allowing children to explore their world through using digital camera. Working in 3-5 room I have seen many positive expereinces, including behaviour management, as children use digital camera. Sadly the new qualified teacher the centre has employed views camera for "teachers' only (not even assistants can use them) and only one photo per month per child and no viewing them on the television. Bec

Cameras for Special Needs - Digital Photography - 1 views

  • camera phones
    • Faeza ms
      I found this  article about digital cameras in the context of special needs. Digital cameras as still webcams,  options of left handed cameras and remote trigger devices are some of the resources out there. A mobile phone has a versatile camera, on hand at most times and particularly handy for incidental learning. 

Quick Get the Digital Camera - 5 views

    Great ideas for using digital cameras in education
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    Great tips for using a digital camera in the classroom
    I like the idea for the math concepts. This would also make a good homework activity - ask students to photograph 3D shapes or angles etc.
    I love this website. Great ideas and very useful also. I hope you dont mind if I share this. Thanks. Great idea for young children to get introduced to ways you can use a digital camera. Simple things like croping, editing etc.

Using digital cameras and scanners - ICT in the Early Years - 6 views

    Collection of information about using digital cameras and scanners in the early years of education. One example of recording what goes on around us with ICTs. 

Using a digital camera in the early childhood classroom - Hartford Preschools | Examine... - 0 views

    I found this when I googled digital photography in Early Childhood and this website has some useful ideas.

i'VE GOT A PET. - 4 views

    I thought I'd post this short movie. It's an example of ICT activities being done in a class I had my last practicum in. It is a simple activity that the teacher did, using ICTs that were readily availble.. The teacher takes a traditional printed text being used in guided reading (PM readers) and helps the students produce a digital text based on the language used in the original text. Students select images from google images and then use a digital camera to take photos or video, and manipulate the images using IWB software, to place themselves in the digital text. The images are uploaeded into Movie Maker where additonal text, ddialogue and sound are added. The finished artefact is then uploaded toYouTube so that it can be placed on the school website for sharing. The students and their families can view the new digital text at home. The movie is also presented at the school assembly. The teacher does ICT activities like this on a regular basis in English. If you google Tyalgum Public School and click on More News you can view other ICT activities the Kindergarten, Year , Year 2 class did. I think this type of ICT activity gives the students a sense of ownership of their learning.
    This is a great activity. Just emphasises how important it is that we know how to use all of these ICTs in the classroom because if we don't know them this activity could take a long time or ICTs wouldn't be used in such a great way. Out of interest how long did it take?

How Many Apps Are Too Many Apps? | Gizmodo Australia - 0 views

  • Want to read a book? Just decide if you want it in hardcover, paperback, or digital format, and if digital, which device, which app, which font size and which background. It’s that simple. Within a few hours, you’ll be happily reading.
  • ear positioning? Technology has inundated us with great
    What happened to the old television learning curve when the most complex factors had to do with rabbit ear positioning? Technology has inundated us with great tools and given us access to heaps of information. But it's also burying us under an avalanche of options. For certain products, I can take the easy way out. My friend Isaac is one of those rare people who loves doing the research. If I need a new camera, I just call him. But even then, it's a challenge to get a simple answer without being confronted with a list of possible features.

Grade 4 Social Studies: Halton District School Board - 0 views

    Post describing the process and outcomes of a year 4 class (Canada) using digital cameras to go on a "light scavenger hunt" around the school and organising the photos by their source.

Self-authored e-books: Expanding young children's literacy experiences and skills (full... - 2 views

  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • helping early childhood professionals to engage young children in new literacy and language experiences.
  • multi-literacies, that self-authored books present an opportunity for early childhood professionals to develop a partnership between ICT and reading.
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  • By helping children self-author and produce e-books, early childhood professionals can make the use of computers more interactive and personal.
  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • information and communication technology (ICT) is being viewed as another tool for early childhood professionals and children to use in this domain of learning in a way that can complement the more traditional provision of literacy experiences (Hills, 2010; Parett, Quesenberry & Blum, 2010; Marks, 2007; Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2003).
  • Brown and Murray (2006) put it, children need to be able to use ICT so that they are adequately prepared for the future
    • Elke Arndell
      This can be included in play-based, co-constructed classrooms by incorporating the internet, digital camera, iPad. Communication can be a simple as a menu of pictures, looking at a picture to create a mask or sea creature, to photograph a collage item and add the photo to a construction book.
  • Western society has invested print-based media with significant authority, but notions about literacy are changing. As society and technology evolve, there is a shift to an acceptance of digital forms of literacy (Jewitt & Kress, 2003). Increasingly, young children are exposed to communication tools and circumstances that are multimodal instead of solely linguistic (Hill, 2007
  • These multi-media forms of literacy include traditional forms of print and numbers, but also hypertext, symbols, photographs, animations, movies, DVDs, video, CD-ROMs and website environments (Luke, 1999; Walsh, 2008).
  • They explain a mode as a ‘regularised organised set of resources for meaning-making, including image, gaze, gesture, movement, music, speech and sound effect’ (p. 2).
  • Text now refers to multiple forms of communication including information on a digital screen, video, film and other media, oral speech, television, and works of art as well as print materials. Electronic texts in particular have become part of children’s everyday lives to the extent that before they commence school, a growing number of children have more experience with electronic texts than they do with books. It is important to recognise that print is now only one of several media which transmit messages in our culture (p. 156).
  • The reading of texts has traditionally focused on decoding–encoding print’s alphabetic codes. Texts children read today, however, might be a mixture of images and print, and the delivery might be interactive with mobile forms rather than just print fixed on a page (Walsh, 2008).
  • ICT as a tool for enriching the teaching and learning environment for young children.
  • Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework. In particular, Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators, has a section on how they can use ICTs to access information, explore ideas and represent their thinking (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR] for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009).
    • Elke Arndell
      Families and parents are still a child first teacher. Teachers acknowledge and respect that each child comes to a centre with varying degrees of prior knowledge.
  • Young children may have access to certain technologies as they were already present in their homes but this did not always mean that they were allowed and/or able to use these. O’Hara’s findings support the arguments made by Marsh (2004), Smith (2005) and others that young children already have an understanding of ICT knowledge and competences when they enter formal schooling as a consequence of differing levels of parental intervention and modelling along with being able to acquire their own new information, abilities and attitudes.
  • that to read and create multimodal texts, children do need to be able to combine traditional literacy practices with the comprehension, design and manipulation of various ‘modes of image, graphics, sound and movement with text’ (p. 108).
  • Walsh (2008) and Healy (2000), we are not suggesting abandoning practices centred on the traditions of print literacy but instead propose early childhood professionals include a range of texts for young children that expand beyond the current print traditions. Self-authored e-books are one way to accomplish this, as they can create a partnership between ICT and reading.
    Self authored e-books
    Self authored e-books

ICT in Early Childhood - 3 views

  • We don't want them sitting in front of a computer screen or a TV. They probably get enough of that at home. What they need at the centre is to run around, do something physical.
    • Ali Meadows
      I have had this argument so many times with many different directors. Part of education in the early years is to create a continuity between home life and their 'care' environment.
    This is a research article regarding pre-service educator training in integrating ICTs in Early Childhood Education.
    'It is also disconcerting that some children still do not have access to computers at home and therefore do not have the opportunity of developing the skills my grandson and other 'digitals in diapers' like him take for granted - skills such as using a mouse, finding letters and numerals on a keyboard or screen, typing letters, navigating websites, retrieving files, using pull-down menus, loading CDs and DVDs, uploading photos from a digital camera, using toolbars, saving files, printing documents and files, using drawing software and typing words (Zevenbergen & Logan, 2008, p. 42). Although some of these skills are used for playing games, this is still an impressive array of digital literacy skills, even more so when they have been acquired more through independent learning and experimentation than through an adult providing instruction.' On the above I would like to add that children should learn or use skills in order to play. Children learn through play and this is a concepts that underpins learning in the early years

Article on camera use in the classroom - 4 views

started by Lyall McDonald on 11 Mar 13 no follow-up yet

What are ICTs?: A Queensland View - 10 views

  • technologies that are used for accessing, gathering, manipulating and presenting or communicating information
    • djplaner
      Again a list of operations that can be done with these technologies. How many of these operations are used in learning and teaching?
    • Justene Webb
      For me personally I have seen many of these technologies being used in learning and teaching. Eg - The use of Ipads and computer labs, using the smart board to do internet searches as a whole class by encouraging the students to think about key words relating to what they are researching, and using a software application called Tux Paint to re-create a story scene as an extension from an English project.
  • ICT tends to mean computers and their peripheral devices
    • djplaner
      This is no longer the case. Mobile phones, tablets, bee bots and the integration of ICTs into a range of devices is moving beyond just computers
    • Donna Schlatter
      I totally agree.  Children are using technologies like vados, easispeaks, iTeddies, digital cameras to achieve required outcomes and assessment tasks.
    • Colleen Lenehan
      I thought that was the old definition of ICT and that its new definition embraced anything that was available for communication purposes, storing data, gathering it, sharing it, etc. as seen in the Hello Kitty video. I fully support the idea that ICT is not regarded as a piece of equipment but it should be a way of life where it is a/any tool used for whatever is required so rather than thinking how we can incorporate ICT into the school curriculum, it should simply be one of the avenues used by students to achieve what they want to achieve.
  • what, in fact, is critical is “how” the technologies are used (Reimann & Goodyear, 2004).
    • djplaner
      It's important how technology is used. What impact it has on learning. Using technology is not enough
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  • While the computer is itself not a catalyst, its valency as a conduit for communication, collaboration and knowledge building has the potential to transform learning.
    • djplaner
      The ability of ICTs to support communication, collaboration and knowledge building are important. Have you used ICTs for any of these?
    • Donna Schlatter
      Yes, the classroom that I work in has a little down syndrome girl who uses an iPad for communication.  I know of another class who has a student diagnosed with dyslexia and he uses a computer for typing up all his work.
    • Michelle Newton
      What a great example of differentiation and inclusion.
  • a similarly disparate and motley collection of machines of different capacities and configurations may be being used by students and be constituting the learning environment
    • djplaner
      It is 8+ years since Lloyd wrote this piece. In very recent times we've seen the Digital Education Revolution - where many students were given laptops - but that is now slowly moving onto the BYOD (bring your own device) era. An era where students are allowed (of if they are not, they still do anyway) their own devices (phones, tablets, computers). It's likely that BYOD is likely to end up with "a similarly disparate and motley collection of machines of different capacities and configurations", what are the implications for teaching?
    • Colleen Lenehan
      Surely this would encourage discrimination between the students with everyone knowing who had expensive/cheap computers with out of date/the latest versions of software packages. That being the case then it will increase the difficulty of the teacher to both teach ICT and allow the students to use their own forms of ICT. Firstly, because more recent software packages allow greater flexibility (usually) so some students will be physically capable of more complex software usage and also it would be a lot harder to guage what all students are doing on their ICT equipment as a quick glance will not necessarily let the teacher know where each student is at with their work.
  • The configuration of computers in schools may range from individual machines, to distributed models, and to sophisticated networks
    • Kate Dugdale
      I work in a school that has recently rolled out Samsung slates to all students in grades 4-6.  Next year they are going to roll them out from grade 7-12, and then, the year after in grades P-3.  They have also commenced using a program called D2L (Desire to learn), to deliver the content to students.  It has been very interesting to see how different teachers have coped with the changes.  Some embrace it and have done an amazing job of incorporating it into their teaching, while others have resisted the changes and really struggled with incorporating it into their classrooms.  No matter what ICTs the school has available it seems, to me anyway, that the teacher will be the crucial factor as to whether these ICTs are used successfully and appropriately.
    • Colleen Lenehan
      I agree with you, Kate. When people resist what has to be done, then there is no creativity or extensions or allowing the students to be risk takers themselves. This is borne out by Toomey (2001) when part of his definition of ICT actually includes "manipulating" and "communicating".
  • There is no standard school configuration of machines
    • Donna Schlatter
      How true is this... I have been to a few schools for prac and each school has a different focus on ICT.  One school I attended had a computer lab, put the screens were the good old huge dinosaur ones.  Then another school I attend had two computer labs full of up-to-date computers with flat screens etc.  It's a same that schools aren't all the same.
    • Leigh Campbell
      I agree Donna, unfortunatley that's where funding and grants come into it as well as the hard work of the fundraising activities, sometimes the budget focus is on other areas as well. Access and equity in relation to current technology is a major issue in educational equality and very topical too.
    Semester 2, 2013 reading - Week 1. Defining ICTs.  

Gathering - 3 views

started by Emma Pails on 26 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
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